A Year In The Making

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Corner G
Posts: 635
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:49 am

A Year In The Making

Post by Corner G » Mon May 08, 2023 1:54 pm


The scene rises up to a shot of the American flag. But this isn’t on an idyllic mountaintop or in front of throngs of cheering fans. This flag is perched on a middle-class home in suburban America. Miss America walks down the street, hands in her pockets, looking around the neighborhood.

MA: “Every so often, I like to walk around the streets, the neighborhoods, of the communities that GCW visits so I can get back in touch with my own roots. I grew up in a community not that different from this one. This is the kind of place that molded me, formed me, shaped me into who I am today. These…”

She stretches her arms out as she takes a spin in the middle of the street.

MA: “... are the houses that built me. Every time, and I mean every single time, I go to the ring, I carry these on my back with me. Every time I stand down a challenge, I stand down challenges like a homegrown, bona fide AMERICAN because THAT’S WHAT I AM!”

Miss America smirks as she continues walking.

MA: “Right now, while the focus back home seems to be Alexander Jones and Gabriella Austin… nice pulling that rabbit out of your hat, by the way… and what they’re willing to do to get HIM the Undisputed World Championship from D’Nae Moore, there are some who seem to have forgotten who I am… so let me remind you…”

She clears her throat.

MA: “I earned this shot by WINNING the Global Destiny X match LAST Resurrection. Since then, I went to war with an Empire, never choosing to take advantage of the situation to STEAL the World Champion because I know deep down in my heart of hearts that I am good enough to become World Champion WITHOUT having to resort to such underhanded tactics. Resurrection weekend is what this all hinges on. And I can’t allow Jones and Austin to get in the way. It’s about me and it’s about D’Nae.”

Miss America pauses, nodding her head, her tongue pressed against her lower lips in front of her teeth as she ponders.

MA: “I mean, that’s your money match, right? Tag team partners… possibly the most unlikely of allies that just clicked… squaring off with the grandest prize in the business hanging overhead? You can’t just force things like this to pay off when you want to… this is real. This is organic. But we’ve got the added complication…”

She shakes her head.

MA: “Doesn’t matter. Resurrection weekend is a weekend of new beginnings and closed chapters. I’m ready to close the chapter of my career entitled “Bridesmaid”, and ready to start a new one… an AMERICAN-MADE chapter. I think I’m going to call this one… CHAMPION!”

The scene fades.

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