Personality Comparisons

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Personality Comparisons

Post by Neal » Sun May 21, 2017 12:56 am

I don't know about you all, but I do a good bit of contemplation about my characters, their personalities, their quirks, etc. Lately I've been contemplating my characters' personalities in comparison to real wrestlers. I've discussed this with a long-time friend and former handler; and now figured I'd bring it up for discussion here. So in your mind's eye, who is the closest comparison to your characters' personalities? Read: not their movesets, but their personalities. For some people I suspect this will be rather easy, as they model their characters directly off real wrestlers. For others, however, it may be much more difficult. Also, the comparison doesn't have to be a wrestler, or even celebrity; but could even be somebody you know personally. I'm just curious how you compare them. Also, why you compare them that way would be greatly appreciated.

Now I figure I'll start this thing off, just to get you all thinking and to better illustrate what exactly I'm talking about. I figure this will also help give you a better idea about my characters, and give me a better idea of yours.

So let's start off with Hannah Kristiansen. Personality-wise, I compare her to a combination to Steve Austin and The Rock. The latter is a much more recent comparison as a brief run in another fed revealed to me just how much of a smart ass Hannah can be. She doesn't have any of The Rock's catchphrases, and I don't know if she ever will, but her snarky attitude at times totally reminds me of The Rock. The Steve Austin comparison may be more obvious, though I would say it's turned up to 11 in her case. She's way more vulgar and hot tempered. Also, there isn't a filter on Hannah's personality. She just says whatever comes to mind, which can often be unnecessarily and unintentionally hurtful.

Izumi Sato: Some of you younger folks might not know this reference, but Izumi's comparison for me has to be Megumi Kudo. Kudo was a beloved female wrestler in Japan's FMW promotion in the 1990s. She played a damsel in distress, and often found herself in a variety of Jisatsu deathmatches. She innovated the Kudome Valentine aka Kudoh Driver. Izumi Sato is much the same way personality-wise. The Japanese fans love seeing emotions in wrestlers, so Kudo would cry on camera to show her emotions. Izumi likewise is very emotional, and will express her fear or cry in pain, things like that. Also, she too is the damsel in distress. Megumi would get beaten on quite a lot, but then rally back to pull out the win despite great adversity. The same applies to Izumi, who tons of courage especially when deathly afraid. I'll also throw her into deathmatches whenever possible, but that's another kind of comparison.

So who do you all compare your characters to? Let's get some good conversation going here.

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Re: Personality Comparisons

Post by admin » Sun May 21, 2017 2:36 pm

hmmm...the closest I can comparison I can think of for Angelica would be Triple H.

Jessica is comparable to Crow Sting.

Glory Braddock is comparable to Bret Hart.

The rest? Hard to say. I'd have to think on it some more.

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Re: Personality Comparisons

Post by Masque » Mon May 22, 2017 2:18 pm

I haven't watched wrestling properly in actual years, so most of my characters get drawn from films, books, original writing and people I know RL. My former GCW character, Michael McKay was born from my own personal teaching experience, and wondering about how an older wrestler would get on in the business. He was then mostly based on my Dad (which did get awkward sometimes.) I also took bits from his PB, Harrison Ford: the look of Indiana Jones, and a little bit of Han Solo's attitude.

Masque, she's mostly me at the moment, with certain bits dialed up to 11 and others toned down. As time goes on, with shows and with segments, I should have a firmer grasp on who she's based on, and drawing bits from.

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